
Typewriter Ticker 2.0 Text Effects Scripts & Programs JavaScript

Typewriter Ticker 2.0 Cross-Browser Dhtml JavaScript Typewriter Ticker 2.0 displays any message character by character from left to right or center out based upon text_alignment_style set in CSS. HTML code within is allowed. Adjustable: Speed, Size and Background. Typewriter Ticker is a Multi-OS and Cross-Browser compatible Javascript script.


TSHelpHints – Help Hints for Web Text Effects Scripts & Programs JavaScript

TSHelpHints – Help Hints for Web TSHelpHints is available as Dreamweaver extensions or standalone script for creating cool help hints on web pages. This help hints use fade transition effects and can accept HTML formatting, including background images and other features. TSHelpHints generate compatible code with most of actual browsers.


JS-SlideShow Visual Effects Scripts & Programs JavaScript

JS-SlideShow You can create a slideshow with this script. It is not only useful for image presentation – you can view any HTML content. The script supports sliding and fading from page to page.


jQTreeTable Visual Effects Scripts & Programs JavaScript

jQTreeTable Takes a plain html table and turns it into a treetable. Uses jQuery, so you get all the functionality of this wonderful library for free. Update Dec 2008 Feature Set:- Has now been fully updated to work with JQuery 1.2+ Multiple treetables in the one page – new Optionally uses a cookie to remember the state across page refreshes and as parent nodes are collapsed/expanded – new Highlighting as you hover over rows. Dynamic striping. Set tree to any column of the table. Collapse certain nodes initially. Connecting lines. Very fast, even on large datasets. Can have other content in the same table not part of the tree. ~14kb zipped inc images and examples etc.


Dreamweaver Dynamic Toolbar Visual Effects Scripts & Programs JavaScript

Dreamweaver Dynamic Toolbar This package contains a set of tools based mainly on javascript effects that allow to apply easily image preview floating panels, HTML formatted hints, attach sounds to buttons, floating HTML formatted text panels, animated popup windows, accordion effects, soft scrolling effects, animated RSS readers and a nice calendar. Adding this package of tools to your Dreamweaver will increase your productivity.


Absolutely-positioned DIVs ordering Visual Effects Scripts & Programs JavaScript

Absolutely-positioned DIVs ordering If your web page can contain several overlapping absolutely-positioned HTML DIV tags, you might need to bring one to front or send one to back. This javascript snippet does exactly that. Especially useful if you have web page dynamic menus using such DIVs – the navigation will not be obscured anymore.


BoxOver Visual Effects Scripts & Programs JavaScript

BoxOver This DHTML javascript widget allows tooltips (popups/floating captions) to appear over HTML elements on a webpage. Less than 10kb in size, optimised for low CPU consumption and compatible in all major browsers.


ColorBox Lightbox Visual Effects Scripts & Programs JavaScript

ColorBox Lightbox * Supports photos, photo groups, ajax, inline, and iframed content. * Appearance is completely controlled through CSS so users can restyle the box. * Behavior settings can be over-written without altering the ColorBox javascript file. * Completely unobtrusive, requires no changes to existing HTML * Degrades gracefully, all content displayed can be accessed without JavaScript. * Preloads background images to avoid flash of unstyled content on first use. * Can preload upcoming images in a photo group. * Lightweight: only 12kbs of JavaScript – only 2kbs gzipped & minified! * Written in jQuery plugin format and can be chained with other jQuery commands. * Generates W3C valid XHTML and CSS * Released under the MIT License.


Absolute RSS Editor Software XML

Absolute RSS Editor Absolute RSS Editor is an easy-to-use feed and podcast creator and publisher. It will help you to easily create, edit and publish RSS feeds without knowledge of RSS and XML formats. The program supports all the capabilities of the RSS format as well as the iTunes extension. Built-in feed validation allows you to create feeds according to the latest RSS specifications and best practices. Other features include feed upload via FTP, WYSIWYG HTML editor, feed preview, feed creation wizard, and more.


Aplomb Guestbook XML Guestbooks Scripts & Programs XML

Aplomb Guestbook XML A guestbook with a difference. Aplomb Guestbook XML, is a flat-file guestbook which uses a XML file to store entries. This lightweight no-thrills guestbook features features such as IP logging and HTML tag stripping. Webmasters will find Aplomb Guestbook XML easy to install, configure, and customize. Installing is simply editing one file and uploading, whilst changing the look is done in header files, footer files, and stylesheets.