Ruby on Rails

Understanding Controllers in Ruby-on-Rails Tutorials & Tips

Understanding Controllers in Ruby-on-Rails This tutorial will focus on the ActionController. The first sections will cover the services provided by ActionController and the techniques to access them. The final section will provide insight into using these techniques in the real world.

Ruby on Rails

Get On Track with Ruby on Rails Tutorials & Tips

Get On Track with Ruby on Rails Ruby is an interpreted scripting language, just like Python and PHP. SitePoint’s author Daniel Bogan take a look at the language and how it can be used in web development.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails for DB2 developers Tutorials & Tips Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails for DB2 developers IBM DeveloperWorks has a helpful howto on how to bring the worlds of Ruby on Rails and your DB2 framework together. From the article: ‘Because Rails emerged from the open source world, until recently you had to use MySQL or PostgreSQL to work with it. Now that IBM has released a DB2 adapter for Rails, it’s possible to write efficient Web applications on top of your existing DB2 database investment.’

Ruby on Rails

Rails Best Practices, Tips and Tricks Tutorials & Tips Ruby on Rails

Rails Best Practices, Tips and Tricks Because Rails is a young framework, I thought it would be helpful to write up what I consider best practices when coding with it both for my new coworkers and the web at large. Here’s my current draft. Feel free to critique and comment. I’m very open to suggestions.

Ruby on Rails

Instiki Scripts & Programs Ruby on Rails

Instiki Instiki is a wiki clone with strong focus on ease of installation and running. Instiki makes wiki so easy, you’ll use it for many things — taking notes, brainstorming, organizing gatherings, etc… Basic features: Revisions: Follow changes on any page from birth. Easily rollback to an earlier revision Authors: Each revision is associated with an author, so you can see who changed what RSS feeds: track recently revised pages from an RSS aggregator

Ruby on Rails

Fast-track your Web apps with Ruby on Rails Tutorials & Tips Ruby on Rails

Fast-track your Web apps with Ruby on Rails This article details the components of Rails and shows you how it works.Rails gives you an extremely quick way to develop flexible Web applications; this introduction just barely touched on what it’s like to work with Rails. The full framework contains many useful classes and methods for carrying out the actions most used in Web-based applications.

Ruby on Rails

Distributing Rails Applications Tutorials & Tips Ruby on Rails

Distributing Rails Applications In this tutorial, we’ll go through the following steps: Setup the environment Create the SQLite database Develop the Rails application Create the RBA (= Ruby archive) from the application with Tar2RubyScript Create the standalone executable with RubyScript2Exe

Ruby on Rails

Beginning Ruby on Rails Programming Books Ruby on Rails

Beginning Ruby on Rails Beginning Ruby on Rails introduces web development with Ruby on Rails, a powerful new framework. You will learn how to develop basic applications by implementing four projects. Some of the topics covered through the projects include form handling, CSS, security, database integration, model-view-controller architecture, and test-driven programming. Projects include a task manager, a RSS aggregator, a community manager (similar in nature to, and one that utilizes the Amazon API.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails: Up and Running Programming Books Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails: Up and Running This compact guide teaches you the basics of installing and using both the Ruby scripting language and the Rails framework for the quick development of web applications. Ruby on Rails: Up and Running covers just about everything you need – from making a simple database-backed application to adding elaborate Ajaxian features and all the juicy bits in between. While Rails is praised for its simplicity and speed of development, there are still a few steps to master on the way. More advanced material helps you map data to an imperfect table, traverse complex relationships, and build custom finders. A section on working with Ajax and REST shows you how to exploit the Rails service frameworks to send emails, implement web services, and create dynamic user-centric web pages. The book also explains the essentials of logging to find performance problems and delves into other performance optimizing techniques.

Ruby on Rails

Get On Track with Ruby on Rails Tutorials & Tips Ruby on Rails

Get On Track with Ruby on Rails Ruby is an interpreted scripting language, just like Python and PHP. SitePoint’s author Daniel Bogan take a look at the language and how it can be used in web development.